Dr. Friedhelm Boschert (Hon. Prof. FH)
Founder and Managing Director Mindful Finance Institute,
Oikocredit Support Association Austria
Mindful Finance Institute – SDG-Impact brings the boost in CSR!
The Mindful Finance Institute supports the mindset change and the cultural transformation in the finance industry based on neuroscientific findings with the use of mindfulness methods and concepts of conscious behavioral change. Advanced CSR is actually not possible anymore without taking the SDGs into consideration. We address the practical implementation together with companies in the basis of the SDG-Impact-Management-System. Thereby companies profit from our longlasting experience in the field of Social Impact Investment.
Photo (c): Katharina Schiffl
Mag. Patrick Doppler
Manager CSR and Export Control / FACC AG
Mag. Doppler holds a diploma in law from the Paris Lodron University in Salzburg. Since 2018, he has been teaching as a lecturer at the Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group (AAIG) on the topic of “National and International Export Control Law”. He started working at FACC AG in 2017 in the field of foreign trade law (especially export control), and since December 2020 he holds the position of Manager CSR & Export Control. In this role, he is also responsible for the company’s eccos22® certification, which has been accompanying the company in its transformation to integrated sustainability since 2021.
Anna Köhl
Co-Founder endlich.co
endlich. supports people, companies and organisations in order to design future-proof transformation. We see ourselves as agents of circular innovation & transformation and do not relax on the status-quo of our linear business model. On the contrary: we stand for positive economical, ecological and social transformation. We are active in two fields: consulting and education. In consulting, we focus on circular business models to shape sustainable strategies – economical and ecological – for the future together. In education we have created the online diploma curriculum CIRCULAR ECONOMY PIONEER in order to enable an easy but indepth access into the exciting field of circular economy.

Bernhard Kreutzer, MBA
CSO GreenOnion GmbH
Green Onion – the world of tomorrow is sustainable!
More sustainability guarantees success! We unite three megatrends to one „sweet spot“ for SMEs who already know that sustainability is the essential possibility for a sucessful future. Find measures and implement them with a low investment of time and money in order to bring the company on track for reporting demands and compliant sustainability. And to persist as modern and forward-looking in the eyes of your employees, clients, banks and neighbours.
Dr. Christoph Musik
Managing Director Acker Österreich gemeinnützige GmbH
Acker (field) – more appreciation for nature and food!
Acker develops educational programs and concepts aiming at a sustaianbale impact on our society. Our multi-annaul and multiply awarded educational programs for nurseries and schools are at the core of our work: on their private land, children and youth experience directly where the food on our plates comes from and how many ressources are part of fresh food. Nurseries are reached via the program AckerRacker , schools via the programGemüseAckerdemie.
Copyright: Acker+Axel Schmidt

Carolin Rautenberg
Co-Founder Enviro Kids Organization
The Envirokids Organization based in Mwanza, Tanzania, focuses on nature conservation. we are known for environmental education and raising awareness within the community for the environment with a focus on youth. Envirokids helps the community to create better and more accessible environmental education and supports actions to avoid climate change which is a global challenge. In order to reach our target, we share best practices and inspire people for the protection of the environment.
DI Harald Strommer
Managing Director of successfactory management coaching gmbh
DI Harald Strommer has extensive experience in organizational and management consulting, especially in the areas of leadership, change management as well as in the development and implementation of integrated management systems and sustainable organizational development. His focus is on the development and implementation of tailor-made programs for organizations in these subject areas. In addition, he is Quality Austria Lead Assessor for the eccos22® Management Assessment, which evaluates companies’ sustainability activities and supports them in their transformation.