Im Juli 2016 wurde das CSR Dialogforum in den konsultativen Status der Vereinten Nation gehoben. Maßgeblich für die Ernennung waren die Expertise der NGO im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit und CSR und die ordentliche Geschäftsgebarung. Diese Anerkennung der Vereinten Nationen unterstreicht die internationalen Beziehungen des CSR Dialogforums.
CSR Dialogue Forum has following privileges
Arrangements for consultations with NGO s are regulated by eco.soc resolution 1996/31, adopted by the Council on 25 July 1996.
- The CSR Dialogforum is able to provide information on ways to participate in the work of the Council, including consult with Member States and the United Nation system at large as experts in a special field
- The CSR Dialogforum is allowed to be specially informed about the provisional agenda of economic and Social Council
- The CSR Dialogforum in general consultative status may request the Secretary- General, through the Committee to place items of special interest in the provisional agenda of the Council
The Status of CSR Dialogforum entitles
- To designate official representatives to the United Nations headquarters in New York and the United Nation offices in Geneva and Vienna and register for special events, conferences and activities of the United Nations, and organizations in general and special consultative status.
- Written Statements at ECOSOC. The CSR Dialogforum in its special consultative status is able to submit written statements relevant to the work of the council on subjects in which we have a special competence. This statements may be circulated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the members of the Council
- Oral presentation at ECOSOC. The CSR Dialogforum is also required for oral statements, whenever the council discusses the substance of an item proposed by the CSR Dialogforum.
The consultations with ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies
- The Commissions and other subsidiary bodies of ECOSOC may consult with the CSR Dialogforum in general and special status
- A commission of ECOSOC may recommend that the CSR Dialogforum with its special competence undertakes studies or investigations, or prepare papers for the commission.
- The CSR Dialogforum shall be able to consult officers of the appropriate offices of the Secretariat on matters of mutual interest or concern.